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Routing: 273972761

Auto / Motorcycle Loan Rates

effective 12/1/2023

APR as low as
New (multiple terms available) 5.73%*
Used (multiple terms available) 7.63%*

*APR is Annual Percentage Rate.  All loans are on approved credit.  Normal CCCU underwriting guidelines apply.  An auto loan with a 54-month term at 5.73% APR would have an estimated monthly payment of $21.06 per $1,000.00 borrowed.  An auto loan with a 54-month term at 7.63% APR would have an estimated monthly payment of $21.94 per $1,000 borrowed.

Boat / RV / ATV Loan Rates

effective 12/1/2023

APR as low as
New (multiple terms available) 7.73%*
Used (multiple terms available) 8.33%*

*APR is Annual Percentage Rate.  All loans are on approved credit.  Normal CCCU underwriting guidelines apply.  A recreational vehicle loan with a 54-month term at 7.73% APR would have an estimated monthly payment of $21.99 per $1,000.00 borrowed.  A recreational vehicle loan with a 54-month term at 8.33% APR would have an estimated monthly payment of $22.28 per $1,000 borrowed.

Personal Loan Rates

effective 12/1/2023

APR as low as
General Unsecured 11.04%*
Vacation 11.04%*
Home Improvement 11.04%*
Furniture / Appliance 11.04%*
Back 2 School / Christmas 16.99%**
Overdraft Line of Credit 10.24%***

VISA Credit Cards

*APR is Annual Percentage Rate.  All loans are on approved credit.  Normal CCCU underwriting guidelines apply.  An unsecured loan with a 24-month term at 11.04% APR would have an estimated monthly payment of $46.63 per $1,000.00 borrowed.

**APR is Annual Percentage Rate.  All loans are on approved credit.  Normal CCCU underwriting guidelines apply.  A Back 2 School or Christmas loan with a 12-month term at 16.99% APR would have an estimated monthly payment of $91.21 per $1,000.00 borrowed.

—See full Line of Credit Agreement.  Click Here to view.

home loans

effective 7/1/2022

home equity line of credit

Amount Term Variable APR
$5,000.01 - $10,000.00 96 months 4.99%
$10,000.01 - $25,000.00 120 months 4.99%
$25,000.01 - $100,000.00 180 months 4.99%

Mobile Home model year 2020 & Newer

Amount Term APR as low as
$20,000+ up to 63 months 9.74%
$45,000+ up to 84 months 10.74%
$75,000+ up to 120 months 11.74%

Mobile Home model year 2017 - 2019

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Mobile Home model year 2016 & Older

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Mobile Home model year 2016 & Older

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